B.F.A. 在性能

B.F.A. 表演-表演 & 音乐剧


B.F.A. 在剧院 表演 is a rigorous program fostering creative, cognitive, and artistic skills. It is intended to advance the education and training of motivated, 好奇的, 自力更生, 适应性强的戏剧艺术家.



代理, 运动, and voice and speech are taught in a linear progression of courses and special projects throughout the four-year curriculum.

Studio classes emphasize ensemble building and collaborative process, 真实地使用自我, 做事的现实, 情感生活的觉醒. 以及协作过程.

在运动工作室, emphasis is placed on the human body as an instrument of expression, 发展实力, 对齐, 灵活性, 可用性和耐力.

Voice and speech classes focus on releasing habitual tension, 增加动力和续航里程, and utilizing specific speech skills.

Advanced courses in each of these areas introduce a wide range of approaches to the craft of acting and the further development of the actor’s instrument.

New plays are in development weekly giving students numerous opportunities to work with graduate and undergraduate playwrights. Each academic year ends with the Playwrights Festival of New Plays.

On-camera auditions are held the first month of each academic year for MFA Graduate filmmakers in the School of 电影. Curricular and hands-on 代理 for 电影 experience.


bet8九州登录入口’s musical theater program is suited for students interested in creating the next generation of musical theater. The program focuses on strong actor training, collaboration within a community of theater artists, and opportunities to perform in different types of productions, from musicals to cabarets to 当代 plays to classics, 设计了, 原始, 以及自产作品. Students will learn the entrepreneurial aspects of creating theater and will be well positioned to work in a variety of theater settings upon graduation.

  • Process-based actor training centered on 真实地使用自我

  • 歌唱训练, including private voice instruction, with a foundation in classic musical theater singing style, 流行/摇滚的发展, 当代, 还有不同的演唱风格

  • 各种风格的舞蹈课, 包括爵士乐, 芭蕾舞, 现代, 利用, 嘻哈, 非洲舞蹈, and 当代 musical theater dance

  • Programmatic focus on Pop/Rock history and performance, including a course sequence on the History of Rock 音乐

  • Guest Artists: Short and long-term guest residencies with professionals working on Broadway and nationally

  • 新工作:参与阅读, 研讨会, and full productions of new work written by BFA playwrights and guest professionals

  • 电影: Regular auditions for BFA and MFA 电影 students for opportunities to act in their films, as well as coursework in acting for the camera, allowing students to build a reel by graduation

表演的其他亮点 & 音乐剧曲目:

Production Season includes between 9 and 12 full length productions, including new works and artistically adventurous programming.

Business: Auditioning and business skills courses, master classes with casting directors and agents, 数字展示和网站设计.

Choose from many 俄亥俄州 minors and certificate programs to diversify your skills and prepare you for the business, 包括:


bet8九州登录入口 表演 graduates are placed in prominent internships such as Actors 剧院 of Louisville Professional Training Company and Milwaukee Repertory 剧院 Emerging Professional Residency in 代理. 其他 internship placements include American Players Theatre, 芝加哥莎士比亚剧院, 克利夫兰剧场, 仅举几个例子. 其他 graduates choose graduate training at programs such as The Old Globe, 行为/旧金山, 耶鲁或者加州大学欧文分校.

B.F.A. programs have the option to be accepted directly through auditions and interviews as high school seniors, 或通过B进入.A. 在剧院 and audition or interview at the end of the first year into the B.F.A. 由你选择.

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