

bet8九州登录入口 has a long tradition of bringing international visitors to campus for academic exchange.  此页面上的信息与J-1交流访问者签证项目有关. bet8九州登录入口已经获得了美国农业部的许可.S. 国务院为这个项目的访客提供赞助.



bet8九州登录入口 is committed to the free 和 open exchange of ideas to the maximum extent possible under the law, 和 接待国际访客 is one way that bet8九州登录入口 continues to nurture the growth of borderless knowledge 和 the development of influential technology.

俄亥俄州也承诺完全遵守美国的法律.S. 出口管制,从技术和最终用户的角度. 来到bet8九州登录入口校园的国际游客——无论是研究学者, 研究生, 特别来宾, or collaborating professor--require additional oversight 和 effort to ensure their presence is compliant with 俄亥俄州 policies 和 research security. 有一小部分外国大学获得了美国政府的资助.S. 美国政府已经确定了美国经济面临的日益增加的风险.S. 国家安全. 访问ing scholars from these universities can increase the risk of an 出口管制 infraction across the spectrum of modalities; from the physical shipment of export-controlled equipment 和 materials to the transmission of software code 和/or release of technical data.

俄亥俄州立大学期望并要求所有访问学者遵守美国法律.S. 他们在校期间的法律法规. 为防止无意中违反《bet8网页登录》.S. 出口管制, 访问学者不允许参加敏感的, proprietary or confidential research programs without explicit authorization from the 俄亥俄州 Export Compliance Officer. 如欲了解更多有关出口管制的资料,请参阅以下内容 网页



在某些有限的情况下,可能不需要J-1签证. 访问者可以使用临时商务访问者(B-1)签证, 或免签证计划, 在俄亥俄州开展活动. 确定您的访客是否需要俄亥俄州的J-1签证担保, 请看下面的图表.

  J-1研究学者  j - 1教授  J-1短期学者 b - 1 /免签证
适当的活动 This category is for a foreign national who enters the United States for the primary purpose of conducting research, 与研究项目有关的观察或咨询. (如果主办方允许,可以授课) This category is for a foreign national who enters the United States for the primary purpose of teaching, 讲课, 观察或咨询. (允许研究) 合作研究, 教学(非终身教职), 咨询, 文化交流, 观察, 特殊技能的展示 参加会议, 正式签订协议的会议, 独立研究(对俄亥俄州没有好处), 观察(不参与)
长度 最短3周,最长5年 最短3周,最长5年 没有最短期限,最长6个月 Generally 6 months for B-1 和 90 days for Visa Waiver; Officer at the Port of Entry has discretion to reduce length
补偿选项 可以领取工资或其他形式的付款,还是可以自筹资金 可以领取工资或其他形式的付款,还是可以自筹资金. 不允许终身职位. 可以领取工资或其他形式的付款,还是可以自筹资金 是否可以报销与活动有关的合理费用. May receive honorarium ONLY IF the visit at 俄亥俄州 is 9 days or less AND the visitor has 不 received honoraria from more than 5 other US institutions in the past 6 months
健康保险要求 强制性的,由联邦法规设定的政策要求 强制性的,由联邦法规设定的政策要求 强制性的,由联邦法规设定的政策要求 没有,不过强烈建议买旅行保险
社会保险号资格 符合条件的 符合条件的 符合条件的 不合格的
访客收费 $220 SEVIS费用+大使馆预约费用 $220 SEVIS费用+大使馆预约费用 $220 SEVIS费用+大使馆预约费用 B-1签证的大使馆预约费用或免签证的ESTA费用
国际空间站的作用 Application must be completed in iCats online portal; ISSS will prepare visa paperwork within 5 business days Application must be completed in iCats online portal; ISSS will prepare visa paperwork within 5 business days Application must be completed in iCats online portal; ISSS will prepare visa paperwork within 5 business days 无ISSS参与,主办部门出具邀请函
对未来美国旅游的影响 Subject to 24 month bar on repeat participation; may be subject to two year home residency requirement Subject to 24 month bar on repeat participation; may be subject to two year home residency requirement 可能需要在家乡居住两年 没有一个
结婚的好处 配偶持J-2签证可申请工作许可 配偶持J-2签证可申请工作许可 配偶持J-2签证可申请工作许可, but may 不 be practical 没有亲属签证的选择
限制 访问or can不 have held J-1研究学者 or Professor status within past 24 months (unless transferring active record), 在过去12个月内,除短期学者外,不能持有任何J类签证 访问or can不 have held J-1研究学者 or Professor status within past 24 months (unless transferring active record), 在过去12个月内,除短期学者外,不能持有任何J类签证 没有一个 没有一个, but visitor must be sure to obtain B-1 (business) visa, 不 B-2 (tourist) visa

T在这里 is a不her J-1 visa option that is specific to visitors who are pursuing a degree at a foreign university, 并希望在俄亥俄州完成实习. Please contact ISSS for additional information if you believe this visa may be appropriate.

If none of these options seem appropriate for your visitor, you may need to consult with the 法律事务厅 关于其他类型签证的可能性.


International visitors included in the Exchange 访问or Program may request immigration 文档s for their dependents to travel to the US with them.  家属包括配偶和21岁以下的子女.


International visitors included in the Exchange 访问or Program must comply with the Department of State regulations regarding health insurance.  这包括陪同来访者的家属. Find detailed information about the health insurance requirements, as well as example policies, 在这里.  请注意,bet8九州登录入口的员工健康保险计划是这样的 不 由于免赔额,符合J签证要求.  Paid employees on the J visa will still be required to purchase alternate/additional coverage.


International visitors included in the Exchange 访问or Program must provide financial 文档s for themselves 和 any accompanying dependents.  任何来自bet8九州登录入口的经济支持/工资都应包括在内.


Certain international visitors included in the Exchange 访问or Program will be subject to a requirement that they return to their home country for two years before being allowed to return to the US in certain immigration statuses. This requirement is most common for international visitors receiving financial support from their home government or the US government 和 for international visitors on their country’s “Skills List”. 如果需要更多的信息,请咨询国际社联.


Federal regulation requires bet8九州登录入口 to assess a prospective Exchange 访问or’s level of English proficiency to ensure the Exchange 访问or possesses “sufficient proficiency in the English language, 由英语语言能力的客观衡量来决定, successfully to participate in his or her program 和 to function on a day-to-day basis.”

The department hosting the Exchange 访问or must assess the individual’s 英语语言能力 as part of the application process. 各院系可选择以下其中一项:

  1. 提供公认的英语水平测试(托福,雅思等)的结果.) demonstrating that the Exchange 访问or’s proficiency meets or exceeds the program's requirement*. Test results must be no more than three years old; include the test results with the Exchange 访问or application.
  2. Provide a signed 文档 from an academic institution or English language school verifying the Exchange 访问or’s English proficiency meets or exceeds the program's requirement*. The letter must be no more than three years old; a copy of the letter should be included with the Exchange 访问or application.
  3. 提供一份当面的书面总结, 视频会议, or telephone interview of the Exchange 访问or demonstrating that the Exchange 访问or’s proficiency meets or exceeds the program requirement*.  物理系准备了一份有用的指南  文档.  这是在他们的允许下分享的.

*条例没有规定必须证明的熟练程度. 而不是, the department needs to evaluate whether the visitor has the skills needed to successfully communicate within the department 和 in the greater community.

